
Our Story
Woke up one morning … As usual first thing I did was to scroll my Facebook newsfeed and one fellow friend’s status update caught my attention… “So difficult to find a salon only for ladies! I haven’t done anything to my hair ever since I donned the tudung!”… At that moment, inspiration struck. An “Aha!” moment for me.
I could feel her frustration. I found myself to be nodding along because I haven’t had a hair makeover for so long myself!
It was very early in the morning, my husband, (affectionately known as Mr E) was still snoring.
“Hon! Wake up leh! I have an idea!!!!”
E rubbed his eyes and said, “What now?”
Yeah I have had plenty of ideas, some alright while some just…deserved to be flushed away. Hahaha!
Me: “I wanna open a hair salon. Strictly for ladies.”
E usually would go hmmmmmmm but that morning, he woke up instantly and said, “Actually that is a brilliant idea!”
That same week, we got to work. E drafted the business plan while I did my research on hair salons. When weekend arrived, we arranged for viewings at locations deemed fit for our salon.
Our daughter, Nyla, was getting tired of scouting around for potential location of our salon. A month passed and we decided that we should narrow our search only to the East. Never mind that we stay on the West side.
Pearlista was born and our very first salon located at
Business venture aside, I feel that I am, in small ways, assisting our Muslim hijabis community. I truly believe that if we look and feel awesome, our lives will also reflect the awesomeness. Our family deserves the best from us and we should look our best at all times. What is the point of being a stylish and presentable hijabista when we’re out and looking so haggard when we remove the hijab at home? Pity the husbands!
Here at Pearlista, we promise to deliver the best services possible. We firmly believe in constant and never ending improvement. We look forward to welcoming you ladies to our humble salon and appreciate every feedback that you may have.
Oh! And just to make things clear. Wearing the hijab is not the cause of hair loss. (common problem amongst us!) In fact, the cloth we wear on our heads protects our hair from sunlight…..dust etc. All we need to do is to give a bit of TLC (tender loving care) to our hair. Your first step? Make a trip down to Pearlista Hair Studio!
See you soon ladies!
Nura J